| Vanakam
I am P. Revathi Rajesh, The cook, food stylist, photographer, editor and blogger behind Revi's Foodography.
Having born and brought up in Chennai, I finished my Masters in Bioinformatics at University of Madras and worked for TCS. My hobbies are Singing, Interior Design, Photography, Drawing, Listening to music and most recently COOKING. My parents found me Rajesh Kumar (RK) as my better half and they were absolutely rite; with God’s grace he is my best half…We moved to U.S. in 2012 after just two months of marriage… That was a drastic change to my lifestyle, yeah it is true, had to frequently get into the kitchen… Before marriage my sweet mom used to do all the cooking for me… However, RK was very cool and he helped me a lot in the kitchen… He used to praise my each and every try in our kitchen and he encouraged me a lot...
I started cooking by taking recipes from my Mom and MIL (Obviously, they are my Gurus in cooking)… I would call my mom (mostly during her mid-night) for taking notes on basic recipes and try to experiment it out in my kitchen… My cooking interest started growing with each passing day, and I slowly started reading cook books, blogs, TV shows and started incorporating some new innovative ideas of mine to the basic recipes... Thank God till today all my dishes came well (hope that continues 🙂 )…
Occasionally, RK used to click some pics of my recipes and post them on FB... And here comes my Friends’ role in turning my cooking interest into a passion with motivating comments and a huge number of likes. Oh yeah, they were my boost of energy... One pleasant evening RK suggested to me “Why don’t you create your own Food Blog”. First I never listened to his words, but he never stopped there… He used to bring this sentence whenever I spend my time playing “Candy Crush”… And finally, one fine day, his words went into my ears, overcoming the candy crush music and I started putting some serious thoughts into this… Finally after lots of thinking, now is the time for action…
Feeling elated to start my blog on the auspicious day of "Karthigai Deepam", with the blessings of Lord Karthikeya. My first post is a delicious Indian sweet, Kaju Katli and am planning to follow it up with other delicious recipes from my kitchen…. Along with the step wise pics (I love photography too but not a professional) every dish in my blog, is proudly cooked and photographed in my Kitchen… I have also taken a stab at designing my website logo... Since i am not a pro, created a simple logo that conveys my passion for cooking and photography.
Again I would like to thank all my FB friends for their feedback on my recipe posts, which was one of the key in starting this blog... I would love your feedback too... Thanks for visiting my blog and do visit again… New, healthy and innovative recipes would be always there to welcome you again…
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