01 Use the right potatoes
02 Do the slicing right
03 Prep slices before frying
04 Frying is critical
- Use Brown Potato for recipe. - Little older potatoes are better than new ones. - They have more starch content and less moisture.
- Use a sharp slicer - Slice a thinly as possible - Slice directly into a bowl of water to avoid browning - Slice @ 45degree angle to get larger slices
– Wash potato slices in water until water runs out clean. This removes excess starch – Air dry on a kitchen towel – Dry in a single layer and don’t put slices on top of each other
– Fry in batches – Heat oil to high temperature before frying – And reduce to medium while frying – Drain chips in a wide bowl have a sour-tasting loaf or a dry bread with abundance of holes!